Warrington nuclear school plans on show
Details of a proposed new vocational secondary school focussed on nuclear technology and engineering skills at the centre of Iliad Group and Warrington Council's Stadium Quarter plans have been released for consultation.
The University Technical College proposal is sponsored by the University of Chester, alongside industry partners including United Utilities and Sellafield, and supported by Warrington Council.
Potential students and their parents and guardians are now being invited to register their interest in the college, which, if approved, would open in September 2015. To register interest or comment on the plans visit www.warringtonUTC.org.
UTCs are a new concept backed by government for improving skills in key sectors. They are schools for 14-19 year olds which offer technically-orientated courses in an environment where young people are encouraged to follow their interests and to develop them into skills and qualifications. Places at the UTC would be available for at least 60 young people aged 14 to 16, and 150 between 16 and 19 years old.
The Warrington UTC would specialise in engineering and nuclear technology and be open to students from Warrington and across the region spanning from Liverpool to Manchester.
The college would offer students clear progression routes into higher education, apprenticeships or full time employment. By working closely with local employers the UTC would offer opportunities to connect with local businesses on valuable work experience projects as part of their studies.
Prof Peter Harrop, pro-vice chancellor and provost for the University of Chester's Warrington campus, said: "The University has a campus in Warrington and will open a new Engineering and Technology Campus in Thornton near Ellesmere Port later this year making it well-placed to support the future of these skills in the region."