Stone’s Frenson to sell key Ropewalks development site
Powerful Liverpool landlord Max Stone is preparing to sell a large development opportunity totalling 31 freeholds on three acres of Wolstenholme Square in the city centre.
Savills has been retained to manage the sale of one of the largest single sites ever to come to market in the Ropewalks area of the city. Agents will begin a formal marketing campaign in the New Year after quietly inviting viewings and expressions of interest in recent weeks.
No guide price has been given to the site as values will vary depending on the redevelopment proposals the bidding developers put forward.
The square is immediately adjacent to the Hanover Street side of Grosvenor's £950m Liverpool One retail scheme, due to open in May next year.
The planning regime for Ropewalks means the site lends itself to mixed-use, low-rise redevelopment. Elements of demolition and new-build have not been ruled out.
Ropewalks has slowly but surely been regenerated in the past 15 years, led by local developers including Urban Splash at Concert Square, Iliad and David McLean with East Village, Beetham's Campbell Square, and the area is now home to a busy mix of bars, small offices and residential.
Frenson owns large parts of Ropewalks and has been developing and selling assets with increasing frequency in the past few years. The group recently sold a large car park at the rear of Berry Street to Liverpool Community College to build a new administration centre.