Sky park planned for Manchester Central
Ian Simpson Architects has revealed plans for a sky park to be built at the rear of Manchester Central, which was formerly the G-Mex.
The plans were shown in a presentation by the architect practice at MIPIM last week and the proposals have the backing of the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Authority.
The presentation showed a first floor park, which looks south over the city, and a new station with three tracks taking trams out to Media City UK in Salford and to the airport, as well as across Manchester.
A new glass bridge, linking Deansgate station and improved pedestrian access from the tram stop into the city, is also planned.
Funding is likely to come from a mix of public and private funding and the new station could be open by 2014.
All looks very groovy but, and you call me old fashioned here, couldn’t they have greened the pavements and streetscape underneath for slightly less dosh? Maybe with a bit of decent lighting thrown in for good measure? Some decent-sized street trees?
That said, if there’s a cycle lane included in the package though, I’m on board.
By Steve Connor
I agree with Steve on this. The phrase ‘park’ has a suggestion of a certain amount of green space. Also, without wanting to sound too critical, it doesnt strike me as a usable / programmable space, rather a ‘left over’ space. Surely a certain amount of ‘sense of purpose’ could have been created?
By I B Interested
I disagree a modern city needs some features that draw attention and stand out this will be oustanding
By Derek Astbury