Score draw on Wrea Green housing appeals
A planning inspector has passed plans for 79 homes but blocked another 82 in a series of rulings following appeals against Fylde Council planning decisions.
Inspector David Richards gave permission on appeal for 25 homes, including retirement and affordable units, to be built on a site at 54 Bryning Lane in Wrea Green in one of four judgements over development plans for the village. Preston-based town planning and development consultancy De Pol Associates acted for landowner Tom Heywood in the appeal against the council's decision.
In a separate ruling Richards gave the green light for a 49-unit development by Redrow Homes off Ribby Road.
However, he rejected two further plans for 82 new homes in Wrea Green following unsuccessful appeals by Baxter Homes and McTaggart & Mickel Homes. The inspector said these would cause serious harm to the setting of the village.
The council was also unable to demonstrate a five year supply of housing as required by the National Planning Policy Framework, the inspector found.
Last year De Pol also successfully acted for landowner and developer Metacre in a case which saw a planning inspector overturn Fylde Council's refusal to provide permission for a project to build 100 houses in Wesham. The practice recently submitted an outline application to build up to 264 homes on the edge of Wesham for land owners Metacre.