RSL to spend £15m on external packages
Housing Maintenance Solutions, a subsidiary of social housing provider Liverpool Mutual Homes, is to establish a four-year framework agreement for external works on its residential properties.
The budget for the frameworks is between £10m and £15m when combined. The framework agreement will be for two years with the possible extension of a further two years subject to performance, objectives and spend.
Two distinct frameworks will be set up for contractors in the following trades: fencing, flagging, painting, landscaping, brickwork, roof repair and renewals, fascia, soffit and gutter replacements and repair.
Contractors can tender for environmental work or roofing or both lots.
The works to be completed are likely to include Green Deal related activities along with any similar initiatives that may arise over the period of the framework.
HMS said it will split the work into packages, defined by type and geography, with the aim of encouraging participation from a wide spectrum of companies with a range of capacity levels.
The deadline for expressions of interest is 9 September.
The Chest procurement process is being used to establish the frameworks.