Retail consent for Gresham in St Helens

Gresham House has received planning approval for a 70,000 sq ft food store and petrol station in Earlestown.

John Lorimer, property director of Gresham House, said: "We are delighted that our proposals have gained consent. This marks a milestone in the planning process for this store and comes right as BCSC takes place not far from the site in Liverpool.

"Gresham House knows that this is an excellent site, will help regenerate Earlestown and will create hundreds of jobs for the local area. We are proud to be bringing forward this opportunity.

"Joint agents GVA and Cheetham & Mortimer are progressing discussions with potential operators for the store on our behalf."

Chris Argent, associate at GVA, added: "The proposals will deliver significant regeneration benefits to the town by addressing the long-standing deficiency in provision and will draw back local residents presently shopping in surrounding centres. The fact that there was only one local resident representation is testament to the transparent approach adopted by the consultancy team."

Gresham House was advised on planning by GVA and on communications by Lexington Communications. The architects are Fairhursts Design Group.

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