Outline plans lodged for 266 homes in Fylde
The council has received proposals from Homes England for the development, following the demolition of buildings on land to the north and south of Old House Lane.
A statement put together by Hive and Planning on behalf of the applicant outlines a mix of two, three and four-bedroom homes earmarked for the 27 acre site, informed by market information provided by Cushman and Wakefield.
According to the planning statement, the number of homes classed as affordable will be discussed with Fylde Council during the determination process.
A viability report has been put together for the government’s regeneration housing and regeneration agency by Savills, outlining several scenarios.
The report concludes a policy compliant scheme with 30% affordable housing and all expected potential Section 106 contributions would not be viable.
These proposals include six acres of recreational open space and green infrastructure, new planting, drainage features, children’s play area and active travel routes.
Access is proposed off Westby Close and a street forming part of the development would be capable of being included on a bus route.
IDP Architects has prepared the design and access statement for the scheme. Pell Frischmann has put together the transport, drainage and flood risk assessments.
RSK has carried out the site investigation, and produced noise and air quality assessments, while TEP has handled the biodiversity and ecology assessments.
TDS has undertaken the utilities report. Ramm Sanderson has carried out the arboricultural impact assessment and tree protection plan.
According to the plans, if given approval, Homes England will look to dispose of the site to a developer, with the principles established at the outline stage expected to be adhered to when bids are entered.
To see the plans, search application number 23/0867 on Fylde Council’s planning portal.
Time there was some affordable houses for people to buy.If they are able to pay high rents they should be allowed mortgages for the same.
By Anonymous
Maybe we need the reintroduction of the railway to Fleetwood and invigorate the town before developing a new area.
By Des
Absolute insanity bring on the floods and the area under water eventually
By Chris Boyd
This area floods so where will waste water out and clean water into these homes be managed. What about local amenity? Looking out and seeing brick walls where we once had fields is not good for the local area.
By Anonymous
The area wS and already does flood, every year eith more and more houses bring built it becomes a bigger issue. The companies building these houses should be made to sort out the water/drainage for the area affected by their builds. They need also to contribute to the improvement of the roads, Cropper Road will take more traffic and is not suitable for the amount of cars that use it now, let alone another 266 houses Being built.
What about schools for the increased number of children in the area?
By Anonymous