Lovell readies for 151 Northwich homes
The developer will start the first phase of Your Housing Group’s Orchard View, a 380-home scheme off Hargreaves Road, this month.
The 151-home scheme is the latest to come Lovell Partnership’s way after the firm signed a £200m construction agreement with YHG in 2021.
YHG won planning consent for the redevelopment of the 33-acre Hargreaves Road site, which includes part of the former ICI Wade chemical works, in March 2022.
The development will feature a mix of two-, three-, and four-bedroom homes available for market sale, shared ownership, rent to buy, affordable rent, and social rent.
Lorraine Donnelly, development director at Your Housing Group, said: “Thanks to the support of Cheshire West and Chester Council who supported our plans we will be able to transform this site into a wonderful, vibrant community in Northwich.
“It is a fantastic development for the local area and is yet another significant step forward in delivering our ambitious plans to build quality new housing across the region. We are continuing to deliver mixed tenure options to ensure that new homes are accessible for more people.”
Tahreen Shad, North West partnership director at Lovell, added: “This is a hugely exciting project for Northwich and the surrounding region, bringing a mix of homes to help meet the local housing need.
“The work on site is also a great opportunity to provide local jobs and training opportunities through our Lovell Legacy programme; our focus is on building futures as well as communities, while also supporting existing local businesses.”
This phase of development is funded through Your Housing Group’s strategic partnership with Homes England.
Your Housing Group was announced as one of Home England’s strategic partners in January 2019, receiving £87.5m to support the government’s aspiration to provide 40,000 affordable new homes across the country.
Just to point out this development was not welcomed by Northwich people and Northwich councillors due existing traffic concerns on Middlewich road where traffic regularly comes to a full standstill! so buy at your own risk!
By Northwich
There is one road out for all 380 homes onto middlewich road which is none stop traffic in both directions so you can’t pull out, or at a stand still on peak times. If signalised it will lead to more misery coming both out of and back into the new estate.
By Middlewich road resident
I too am concerned about the traffic at weekends I will not venture out as it is nearly impossible to get out of my street which is next to Hargreaves road, week days are nearly as bad at certain times. Are there going to any lights or anything like to ease the constant stream of traffic. It’s OK building all these new house but they who OK these builds have no idea of the inferstructure of our roads
By Mrs Lewis
What a joke ! Good luck trying to get anywhere when these are built ,Middlewich Road is a nightmare now ,thank god the useless barons Quay never took off ,all these homes will be snapped up by private landlords and rented out ,it will look like a bombsite in 12 months
By Anonymous