Letting reported at Skelhurst’s Queen Anne House
Caversham Trading has taken 3,684 sq ft of retail space at Skelhurst's Queen Anne House in Eastbank Street, Southport.
The rent-to-own retailer has agreed on a ten year lease on the 1,895 sq ft unit 16 and 1,789 sq ft unit 18 for an undisclosed sum.
The company trades as BrightHouse, which provides branded household goods to customers on weekly payments through over 180 retail stores nationwide. This is the first BrightHouse store to open in the Southport area.
Claire Eccelston, retail surveyor at joint marketing agents for the property, Robert Pinkus, said: "This new signing at Queen Anne House will provide Southport town centre with a great retail boost and help promote footfall in this area of town. We hope trading will be very successful for BrightHouse at this location."
Cheetham & Mortimer are joint agents.
Queen Anne House also has 2,890 sq ft offices on the upper floor of the building, which are being marketed separately. The quoting rent on the offices is £7.95/sq ft.