LEP opens bidding for £13m Growing Places pot
The Cheshire & Warrington Local Enterprise Partnership is inviting expressions of interest from developers with employment and housing projects capable of early delivery.
The Growing Places Fund can be used to support a range of projects that can help facilitate economic growth, including employment and house building projects. Rather than providing a grant the LEP will look to support those projects that can repay the investment which can then be re-invested locally. The Cheshire & Warrington LEP is able to offer secure funding to developers making it quicker for projects to get off the ground but also securing a return on that investment for the local area.
Louise Morrissey, director of land and property at Peel Group and board member of the Cheshire & Warrington LEP, said: "We are calling for projects to be put forward which are stalled for whatever reasons, we hope this loan money will unlock the developments and we can get building again, all activity should help us put the Cheshire and Warrington economy on the right track. We look forward to hearing from interested parties and to working together."
For more information about the types of projects applicable to the Growing Places Fund please visit the Cheshire & Warrington LEP website.
Expressions of interest are invited by 30 April 2012 and will be subjected to a due diligence process. Expressions of interest following this will be considered if there is sufficient funding available in the programme. For initial information about accessing the Growing Places Fund and to register interest please contact Aidan Manley, director of Cheshire & Warrington LEP at aidan.manley@candwlep.co.uk