Hunt promised a Lancashire Devolution Deal – what’s next?
The Autumn Statement revealed the government’s commitment to a devolution deal for Lancashire, one that will look quite different to past deals for Liverpool City Region and Greater Manchester.
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt’s announcement of additional devolution deals was met with widespread optimism on Wednesday. The Lancashire Devolution Deal in particular has been a long time in the making, with the county flirting with the idea in 2019 and then working more seriously on a deal over the past six months.
Here’s what we know about the Lancashire Devolution Deal.
Will there be a mayor?
In short, no. A central figurehead is not required for this devolution deal. There would be a new organisation that leads the initiative though – the Lancashire County Combined Authority.
The LCCA would be made up of a representative from Blackburn with Darwen Council and one from Blackpool Council. Lancashire County Council would have two spots on the LCCA, with another two reserved for representatives chosen by the district and borough councils.
There would be an additional two members of the LCCA, appointed by the combined authority. It is anticipated that a representative from the business world would also be a member of the LCCA.
Who is leading on this?
Lancashire County Council, Blackpool Council, and Blackburn with Darwen Council are the masterminds behind the deal. Blackpool and Blackburn are both unitary councils, which sets them apart from the other district and borough councils in Lancashire.
It is worth noting that creating a LCCA would not change the existing councils in the area, so Burnley Council, Preston City Council, etc. would continue to exist and operate as usual in their areas. The voice of the district councils will be represented on the LCCA through two spots on the board.
What would the LCCA do?
The combined authority would have increased control over adult education, skills improvement plans, and local transport. The LCCA would also have compulsory purchase powers that it could use to help spur affordable housing delivery and regeneration projects.
LCCA would also take on many of the jobs of the Lancashire Local Enterprise Partnership, including advocating for investment and presenting a local business voice. It will also take on the responsibilities of the Growth Lancashire Company, LEP Growth and Skills Employment Hub, and LEP Investment Team. The LCCA would also be focused on the visitor economy for the county.
Where would funding come from?
The LCCA would receive £1m from central government for its first two financial years, with additional funds coming from Blackpool Council, Blackburn with Darwen Council, and Lancashire County Council.
The government has also said it will provide up to £20m in capital funding, with an eye towards making the most of the upcoming National Cyber Force headquarters in the region and the county’s net zero goals.
What’s next?
Blackpool, Lancashire County, and Blackburn councils must all agree to conduct a public consultation for the draft devolution deal. Blackpool is looking to start its eight-week consultation on 1 December, with others taking similar timing. The results of the consultation will be discussed in March 2024, changes made, and a final proposal will be submitted for government sign off.
As for when an LCCA would be created and the devolution deal done – the estimated date is summer or autumn 2024, according to a Blackpool Council report.
Are we happy about this?
The leaders of Blackburn with Darwen Council, Blackpool Council, and Lancashire County Council have all released statements welcoming the devolution deal.
Lancashire County Council Leader Cllr Phillippa Williamson called it “amazing news”, add added “This announcement is a hugely significant milestone in our devolution journey and signifies a really crucial step forward.”
Blackburn with Darwen Council Leader Cllr Phil Riley chimed in: “ “It’s a real triumph for everyone involved to have finally made a start on the devolution of powers to Lancashire after many false starts.
“This will give Lancashire a voice both nationally and, in the North West, allowing the region to start to compete on an even playing field with our neighbours in Manchester and Liverpool…
“This deal won’t change people’s lives overnight but it’s a really positive step in the right direction and, hopefully, the beginning of a story where more powers can be devolved from Westminster to Lancashire.”
As for Cllr Lynn Williams, Leader of Blackpool Council, she said: “By giving Lancashire more control over its own destiny, we can prioritise resource and investment so that it truly meets our needs.
“As the government has made clear, devolution is a long-term process and this is a positive start. It is my hope that this deal will give us a platform to secure more powers and resource for our communities into the future.”
Second rate deal tiny extra funding , compared to other CAs ….why ….cos no mayor , still two tier local authorities and districts cut out of decisions. Lancashire badly served by the political structures
By George
Why was the whole North West no devolved? This bitty devolution, still means that they can control us. If the North West was devolved as a unit, we would have a population similar to Wales and Scotland combined.
By Elephant
‘Why was the whole North West no devolved? ’ – Elephant.
It’s too big for one. Huge cultural differences in each area eg Cumberland, Cheshire, Liverpool.
Iceland – with a population similar to that of the Wirral or the Fylde Coast does very well with less than a third of a million people.
Smaller also means more local.
By Rye&Eggs
The Blackpool and Blackburn devolution deal.
By Sceptic
Half baked deal and not representative of the 12 Councils in Lancashire ?
By Alf M Tee
So a similar population to London then, Rye and Eggs.
By Elephant
Dear Rye & Eggs, The cultural diffences argument is the clinching argument for federal states in England, just like Germany and the US. If the neo-libertarian Tories want to make the UK a copy of the US then do it properly.
By Anonymous
@November 23, 2023 at 3:46 pm
By Elephant
Wrong. Iceland has a current population of 376,000. London’s is just under 8.8 million as of 2021.
Many London Boroughs have populations similar to Iceland’s.
By Rye&Eggs
This looks like a poor result after so many years of talks. Should be talking 100s of millions of pounds from this to transform Blackpool, Preston and many post-industrial towns. As it is, those towns don’t even have a guaranteed say.
By Joseph
Another ridiculous and totally unnecessary layer of government designed to waste even more money.
By Glen Adair
@November 23, 2023 at 4:15 pm
By Anonymous
Seems the route we’re currently taking is similar to Italy, Spain and other European countries – a devolved unitary state with differing levels of devolution.
What may work in one country may not work in another.
And there are cultural differences within England – Cornwall is different to Lancashire to Yorkshire and so on.
But more devolution is a good thing – and further powers handed down locally, including to town level would be highly desired.
By Rye&Eggs
west lancs is naturally part of the liverpool City region. The sooner it joins it, the better!
By Paul mac
@Paul mac
I agree – this district always feels like it has more in common with this region.
Personally, after transferring West Lancashire to LCR, I would reorganise the remaining Lancashire area into five unitary authorities and establish (and soup up) towns councils where appropriate.
Double devolution.
By Rye&Eggs
What about peoples jobs, surely it means job cuts for those actually employed in each individual authority
By Anonymous