Hill Dickinson hosts World Cup – table football style
As excitement builds ahead of next month's World Cup, Hill Dickinson is bringing its own slice of Brazilian football to PlaceEXPO and staging a World Cup Table Football tournament.
Mirroring the format of the event in Brazil, 32 businesses are being sought to compete in the 2014 Hill Dickinson PlaceEXPO Table Football World Cup. Once all 32 teams are registered, businesses will then be drawn out to see which country they will be representing during the tournament.
The whole tournament will be staged at No.4 St Paul's Square throughout the first four weeks of PlaceEXPO. Following the group format of the tournament in Brazil, there will be eight groups of four teams with four matches a day being played at lunchtime from Thursday 12 June through to Friday 27 June.
The knock out stages will be held the following week, culminating in the quarter finals, semi-finals and final being staged on the evening of Friday 4 July.
The event will be launched on the evening of Thursday 12 June, with the first four matches of the tournament being played that evening.
Each team can have a maximum of two players playing at any time.
If you would like to take part please contact Liam Russell at Hill Dickinson at liam.russell@hilldickinson.com. The deadline for entries is 5pm on Monday 2 June.
Last call for the PlaceEXPO Table Football World Cup – deadline has been extended to 2pm on Thursday 5 June in the hope of filling the remaining spaces.
By Hill Dickinson