Free property law update in October
For readers in London who want to keep up-to-date with the latest legal issues in property there are still a few free places left on Hill Dickinson's autumn property update on 2 October.
The morning event takes place at the Grange City Hotel, 8-14 Cooper's Row, London, EC3N 2BQ
The programme is as follows:
08:30 Breakfast and registration
09:00 Welcome
09.05 Property updates begin
- Ready … get set … GO!
Bill Chandler, Legal Director
With buyers still difficult to find and all parties keen to avoid delays once a deal is agreed, Bill Chandler considers how commercial property transactions may be expedited by collating information and addressing issues at an early stage, with particular reference to the new edition of the Investment Property Forum's excellent 'Readiness for sale' guide.
- The National Planning Policy Framework – planning for the future?
John Roberts, Planning team
Following the eagerly anticipated introduction this year of the Coalition Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), we look at the changes to the planning system made by the NPPF, the challenges imposed on local planning authorities by the document and its impact so far on decision-making.
- Property litigation kaleidoscope
Property litigation team
The continuing downturn is bringing into sharper focus the ongoing relationships that arise out of property be it landlord and tenant, buyers and sellers or the owners of adjoining properties. The Property litigation team will throw some light on recent cases where these relationships have broken down and provide a brief update on any recent changes in the law.
10:10 Questions and answers
10:20 Tea, coffee and networking
11:00 Close
The Liverpool and Manchester events on 16 and 18 October are both fully booked.
If you have any queries or require further information, please contact Kerri McKeown by email at or by telephone at 0151 600 8752