Council tenders for management of West Gorton homes
Manchester City Council has published a tender for a housing management contract for properties in West Gorton, east Manchester.
The council wants to appoint a company for the future management of 171 new residential council homes in the West Gorton area.
The council said that the five year contract is expected to start in December this year with an option to extend for up to an additional five years.
In a separate project, New East Manchester is working together with the council, the Homes & Communities Agency and housing association, Guinness Northern Counties, to take forward a regeneration plan in West Gorton.
The plan will be phased over ten years and involves the refurbishment of existing homes, a new park, community facilities and the development of 900 new homes.
Manchester City Council added that companies wishing to register an expression of interest for housing management contract must visit the North West's local authority procurement portal website, The Chest.
Deadline for submitting tenders is 7pm on Friday 18 June.
- For further details contact Colin Butterworth or Louise Causley at Manchester City Council on 0161 234 4287.