Contractor picked for £2.5m Manchester office overhaul
Landlord Phillip J Davies has appointed St Helens-based TJM Projects to deliver a refurbishment aimed at improving the tenant experience at Sevendale House in the Northern Quarter.
The 120,000 former textile mill, which counts Ticketmaster among its tenants, will undergo £2.5m of renovations 10 years on from its initial conversion into offices.
The Dale Street project, due to complete in May, will provide 20,000 sq ft of refurbished workspace across various floors. The largest suite will provide 13,000 sq ft on the fourth floor.
Communal breakout and event space, a wellness studio, and “high-quality end-of-journey facilities”, will also be provided, according to Phillip J Davies.
“We are creating an offer at Sevendale House that we believe focuses on the modern office occupier’s requirements for a work/life balance,” said Mark Davies, director of PJD Property.
“Our goal is to create workspace that attracts start-ups to more established businesses. The Northern Quarter remains a thriving district for occupiers in the digital and creative sectors.”
PJD recently completed a refurbishment of One Express and the repositioning of Sevendale House aligns itself with a similar ethos to One Express, according to PJD.
“Along with One and Two Express in Ancoats, we have over 100,000 sq ft of workspace enabling us to build long-term relationships with our occupiers and meet the ever-changing needs of their business.”
The design of the key aspects of the fit-out, including the fitted and furnished workspace, event space, fitness studio, and end-of-journey facilities, have been carried out by the workspace design team at OBI.
Joe Weilding, part of OBI’s building consultancy team, said: “We are extremely excited to be involved in this project, one of the most landmark refurbishment schemes currently being undertaken in a grade two-listed building within the city.
“The investment that PJD are making into Sevendale House will ensure that it retains its status as one of the most popular workspace buildings in the Northern Quarter. I am sure that post refurbishment works the building will continue to be a thriving creative hub”.
Tony McCabe, director at TJM Projects, added: “It is fantastic to continue to build upon our successful long-term relationship with OBI Property with the award of this exciting refurbishment contract for Sevendale House.
“From the building’s original steel, concrete and lightwell innovations in the 1900s, to refurbishment and reinvention in 2024, we will use our Solutions-based approach to create inspiring spaces for the extraordinary people who use the places we create.”
It can’t be easy getting tenants in that part of town, it’s been neglected for decades, my dad worked on Stevenson Square many years ago and is saddened by what it has become.
By Dan
@Dan there’s hundreds of businesses around that area, the ground floors maybe have more bars but there’s a healthy working community above
By CityCentre
Oh dear Dan, you clearly haven’t been around long enough to remember it in the seventies and eighties. Far more vibrant now than it ever was. At least make an effort. Great old building too.
Give this company some credit Dan they have well in excess of 100k sq ft of space in the area. Would they really invest 2.5 m if they didn’t think there is demand and how on earth would they fund it? How long ago did your dad work there? It’s miles better than it was 10, 20 and 30 years ago that’s for sure
By Notdanagain
Excellent to see the building thrive
By Bernard Fender
Best part of town for working and living – far away from the soul-less glass towers at the bottom of Deansgate
By Ancoats resident
They’ve done a great job at repositioning this building. Odd comments about Stevenson square, it’s thriving compared to the 90s, early 2000s
By Bob Monkhouse
It’s such a shame that it is ruining the lives of the residents that live in Express 1 & 2 by charging over £25k a year for a 2 bed apartment….mmm
By Anonymous