Consent granted for 335 Sandymoor homes
Galliford Try Partnerships has been given permission to build 335 homes in Sandymoor, Runcorn, by Halton Council.
The project is made up of 235 houses and a 100-apartment extra-care scheme on land to the east of Village Street.
In a report, planning officers said: “This proposal seeks to bring forward much needed housing on an allocated site identified for development through the local plan process over 10 years ago.”
The development will bridge the gap between two new residential developments to the north and south. These have been delivered by David Wilson Homes and Morris Homes over the past decade; development of the Sandymoor site began in the 1980s.
Brendan Blythe, managing director at Galliford Try Partnerships North West, said: “The scheme will bring forward a wide range of housing options for the community.
“We have worked alongside our partners including Together Housing and Halton Housing to develop the proposals and now look forward to making this vision a reality.”
Galliford Try Partnerships and Together Housing formed a joint venture earlier this year to bring the 235 houses to market.
The partnership, Sandymoor JV, will see a mix of two, three and four-bedroom properties offered for open market sale through Galliford Try Partnership’s housebuilding arm, Linden Homes. The homes will be detached, semi-detached and terraced.
The 100-apartment extra care scheme is to be owned by Halton Housing.
Paul Mullane, Halton Housing’s director of development and growth said: “This will be our third extra care scheme following the development of our hugely successful Barkla Fields and Naughton Fields schemes. The project will not only deliver new homes for affordable rent and shared ownership, but also jobs and other opportunities for the community of Sandymoor.”
Planning consultancy was provided by Indigo with design services provided by Sten Architecture and JDA Architects.
“other opportunities for the community of Sandymoor” bullshit
By Sandypoor