Chorley rejects ‘detrimental’ resi, approves another 79 homes
Flood risk and potential harm to local character were the downfalls of Adlington Land’s proposals to build off Babylon Lane, however Jones Homes and Bare Capital found success in their respective plans for 55 and 24 residences in the borough.
Chorley Council made its verdict on the trio of applications at a planning meeting last Tuesday.
Babylon Lane
Application number: 23/00510/OUTMAJ
The authority went against officer recommendations in its refusal of Adlington Land’s outline proposals to build 40 homes, citing flood risk and potential harm to the local character as the reasons for objection.
Gallagher Technical & Design drew up the plans for the development, which is already the subject of an appeal lodged with the Planning Inspectorate due to the council’s non-determination of the application.
Plans featured four two-, 10 three-, and 26 four-bedroom properties, including 12 affordable units, to be built on the five-acre plot off Babylon Lane in the village of Heath Charnock.
The units would have been accessed off Whitebeam Close and a new road off Babylon Road, situated on a site allocated as safeguarded land in the Chorley Local Plan 2012-2026 and close to the grade two-listed Greenhalgh Farmhouse.
More than 214 representations were submitted in objection to the scheme, including concerns over the land’s safeguarded status and the existing overpopulation in the borough. There were also fears regarding the loss of green space, harm to wildlife, and increased flooding risks.
An objection submitted by Anderton Parish Council voiced “major concerns” about the development’s “potentially detrimental impact” on the community, highlighting traffic, pollution, and infrastructure worries.
PWA Planning advised on the proposals. The project team also includes Eddisons, Gondolin Land & Water, E3P, and Urban Green.
Gorsey Lane
Application number: 22/00941/FULMAJ
Jones Homes can now progress to deliver 55 homes in the second phase of its St Peter’s Park masterplan, following the recent construction of 56 houses on the adjoining Mawdesley site.
The second phase will be made up of seven two-, 16 three-, 13 four-, and 19 five-bedroom properties, built on seven acres of greenfield land off Gorsey Lane.
In line with officer recommendations, approval has been granted for the development subject to a Section 106 agreement requiring 35% affordable housing provision and a biodiversity net gain contribution of £90,000.
Plans were originally submitted for the scheme last September, however these proposals have been revised to reduce the number of homes to 55 from 58 in order to reduce tree loss.
Pegasus Group is the planning consultant for the scheme. Also on the project team are Ecus, Trevor Bridge Associates, Plasmor, Betts Hydro, and SHD Lighting Consultancy.
Dole Lane
Application number: 23/00402/FULMAJ
Bare Capital will build a five-storey apartment building on the vacant plot off Dole Lane, currently used as an informal car park.
The Nick Moss Architects-designed scheme has been approved, with plans to deliver 24 flats in a mix of 17 one- and seven two-bedroom units.
Residents will be provided with 17 car parking spaces.
In addition to Nick Moss Architects, the project team also includes Nova Acoustics, Invek Surveys, and Civic Engineers.
Great and sensible news about Babylon Lane Development.
It isn’t needed or wanted!
By Anonymous