Chethams tunes up £21m build contract

Chethams School of Music has released details of the tender for a £21m build contract of its new school and visitor attraction in Manchester.

The Stephenson Bell-designed building will total 100,000 sq ft bounded by Hunts Bank, Walkers Croft and Victoria Station Approach. The new facilities include music school accommodation, practice rooms, student accommodation, concert hall for 350 seats, ensemble recital hall, and staff offices.

The building has planning consent but Chethams is due to go back in for planning with revisions to the original design shown above.

The project received a £4.6m grant from the North West Development Agency last year. Other parts of the project will open a 15th Century library and other medieval buildings to the public for the first time in centuries as a new visitor attraction linked to the Cathedral.

Drivers Jonas is advising Chethams. The new school is due to open in September 2011.

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