Archives+ contract awarded
Interiors contractor Realm Projects has won the £500,000 contract with Manchester City Council to fit out the new regional and family history archive in the refurbished Central Library.
The contractor will create sets, showcases, graphic panels, interactive displays and models for the exhibition spaces for Archives+ Greater Manchester County Record Office, part of Association of Greater Manchester Authorities; Manchester Libraries, Information & Archives, Manchester City Council; North West Film Archive, Manchester Metropolitan University; Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre and Education Trust, University of Manchester; Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society ; BFI Mediatheque; Manchester Registration Service, Historic Registers.
The five-month contract, awarded through the online business portal The Chest, is due to be completed by the end of the year. The new-look library is due to open in spring 2014.
Manchester City Council's brief to Realm Projects described Archives+ as "the key focal point, delivery route and entry point for Manchester's wider histories offer. It will create user driven, freely accessible resources for people to engage with histories in a dynamic new type of public space and lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of the whole region."
Archives+ is partly funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Realm Projects is based in Mansfield.
UPATE: Adds artist’s impressions of Archives exhibition sets
By Ed