Allied plots final pieces in Spinningfields jigsaw
Allied London will submit the planning application this week for One Spinningfields, a 19-storey extension and remodelling of Quay House in the Manchester commercial district.
Along with the proposed 160,000 sq ft Cotton Building close to the rear of Spinningfields, One Spinningfields will be the last major new office building at the scheme which has dominated the Manchester market for a decade. Allied received planning permission for the Cotton Building in recent weeks and is expected to start on site in late spring.
The two buildings will take up the last remaining development plots covered by Allied's long-standing agreement with Manchester City Council. Allied is also planning smaller projects to reconfigure existing premises, such as turning restaurants into office studios at Leftbank and the Avenue's shops in restaurants.
Meanwhile, Mike Ingall, chief executive of Allied London, told guests at a Movers & Shakers breakfast that the ITV Granada site across Quay Street from Spinningfields, acquired by Allied London and Manchester City Council in autumn 2013, is likely to be residential-led and could contain as many as 3,500 units. Plans are due to emerge in the coming months. Allied and the council are expected to take control of the 13.5 acre site at the end of March. ITV is currently vacating the studios as it moves to new facilities in Media City UK.
Deloitte Real Estate and OBI Property advise Allied London. Allied London declined to comment.