Work starts on first 600 homes of Oldham redevelopment
Plans to transform the heart of the town are underway at the civic centre.
Site investigations will be taking place on the civic centre car park. Some sections of the car park will be temporarily cordoned off to enable machinery to operate. Disabled parking bays and electric vehicle charging points will be unaffected and remain open to visitors.
Oldham Council has teamed up with Muse to deliver homes, which will also see a neighbourhood and park created in the middle of the town.
With a capacity of up to 600 homes, this is the largest site that will be redeveloped through the partnership.
The whole site, including the car park and Queen Elizabeth Hall, will be developed but the council is looking at options to retain the civic centre tower; an Oldham landmark.
Cllr Arooj Shah, Leader of the council, said: “I’m incredibly pleased to see the start of these works today; which mark a huge moment not just for our town centre, but for all of us here in Oldham.
“This comes after our staff moved out of the civic centre into new offices in Spindles; making the site clear for work on the new homes to begin.
“As well as 2,000 new homes, our partnership with Muse will bring together all the fantastic projects that are now well underway, the creation of our new markets and events space and the restoration of the Old Library, linking these new developments with better public spaces, including a new park.
Cllr Shah added: “This the biggest housing development coming to our borough and will set the very best standard we want for our new urban neighbourhoods, as well as acting as a catalyst for further investment and development – all building a better Oldham for the future.”
Phil Mayall, managing director at Muse, said: “We’re passionate about the incredible opportunity in front of us to reinvigorate Oldham’s town centre and we’re excited to be in partnership with Oldham council to develop a plan that will deliver the best possible outcomes for the town and its residents.
“The site investigation works signal the start of this this journey to deliver transformative change for the town centre.”
Other sites that will be redeveloped through the partnership include the former magistrates’ court, the former leisure centre and the Tommyfield Market site, which is also relocating into the new-look Spindles designed by Aew Architects.
The partnership with Muse could last for up to 25 years and will mean brownfield sites in the town centre are built on rather than green space.
They look great. I hope they turn out the same as this CGI.
By Anonymous
Nobody wants this why build 2000 apartments and a park in the centre of a run down town with hardly any shops
By Bobby boreland
Hope the houses being built are for council housing not to buy
By Elaine mccardle
I wish the new housing development wasn’t being built on The Queen Elizabeth Hall site, another location should have been chosen. As the Queen Elizabeth Hall provided Evening Entertainment and Shows. Also a lovely Venue to Socialise and have a drink at the bar.
By Trish
So Oldham town centre is being turned into an enormous council estate.
By Anonymous
Are these homes for rent?
By Anonymous
Does anyone know when this project will be starting?
By Anonymous
Cheapside is the windiest part of Oldham, why would you build houses on there? Everything ever done there has ended up being demolished. Where is the bus station going, and where are the other 2000 homes to be built, being built?
By Anonymous
Oldham again wasting money, they tried flats on St Mary’s ward, then demolished them.
By Anonymous
So here we go again, yet another building site, Oldham Town centre has been a building site for 60 years, I left school and started work in 1962 ,the council were promising a bright new future for the town, I am now 76 an still waiting
By Paul Farnworth
It is about time some money is spent on Oldham keep up the good work nice one
By Martin Buckley Oldham
Carpeting….we’re will that be for all the cars in the town ..and the old outside market were that been moved because that’s half a market and dont fill the stalls because nobody wants to come to town and the price off parking …joke
By Tony
Lovely stuff
By Balcony Warrior
Unless they’ve done substantial research we will end up with a large town centre ghetto with insufficient amenities leading to social isolation and eventually a no go area and we have enough of these already
By Carole Marsland
@Bobby boreland, the answer is simple. 1) People will move in there, that is certain and 2) Once you increase the population of a town centre with people that can just walk out of their homes to the local shops, you create the market for more shops and other hospitality options. It’s not rocket science
Bobby Boreland how do you know “nobody” wants this development, have you spoken to everyone?
By Anonymous
Site investigations are hardly something to get excited about! When the money government has provided has been used up on demolition costs, new parks, council offices in Spindles etc then everything will stop as it did and still has with sites cleared of masses of terraced houses 40 years ago. Half of Oldham centre is already a ghetto with the mass of chicken takeaways, vape shops, barbers, restaurants etc many of which are busy washing money. Even in the last days directors of a restaurant company have been banned as directors for 7 years as £600k of cash takings and expenditure could not be explained. It is reported that there is currently an opposition motion of no confidence put forward over the leader and Labour council, and a call for direct Government intervention in the running of the council and a full independent investigation into council finances and financial transactions amidst a suspicion of widespread corruption. The only people who would live in Oldham centre are those already there and who cannot get out, and those who would have no other option. Building 2500 high rise flats / tenement blocks will make the Ghetto complete, Oldham centre would become akin to the worst type of crime ridden New York deprived suburb. Are Muse desperate for business?
By K. W.
Bobby Boreland….your very mistaken if you think nobody wants this new housing development, there is plenty including me…there’s more that want new and better housing than not so speak for yourself! And it’s not 2000 apartments! The plan is to start one large development of 600 properties first of all – a mixture of houses and apartments….they said in total they have plans for 2000 homes to be built in Oldham….you obviously didn’t read it properly! As they mean 2000 homes built ACROSS oldham, not meaning they will try and squeeze 2000 properties in one location! Also it says this is a 25 year housing development project! So 600 homes will be built gradually until the next development plot and so on till they reach their target of 2000 homes which Oldham needs desperately…and the reason the town is rundown with no shops is because there isn’t enough houses being built so every year people are moving away from Oldham and then this causes businesses to fail because of no custom and then the more businesses that close the more people it drives away to shop elsewhere! So by building new homes this will attract more people and their families to move to the Oldham area and these families in these new homes will need shops, supermarkets, bars, cafes, restaurants etc so with an increase of customers to Oldhams businesses this will create a need for new businesses to open to keep up with the increasing numbers of Oldham residents living and working in the area… opening more new businesses creates more jobs for more people to move to the area and eventually this should make Oldham a buzzing and lively place to live, work, eat out and shop….all it boils down to is the money being spent in Oldham and the more people living and spending their money in Oldham the more investment made for Oldham
By Lewbew89