Three new tenants at Landmarq’s Unicentre
Joint agents King Sturge and Robert Pinkus & Co have helped to secure three separate deals for ground floor office space at the 12-storey Unicentre Building at Lords Walk, Preston for landlord Landmarq LLP.
A4E has signed for 671 sq ft, the Carers Federation 312 sq ft and Real Time Training a further 1,724 sq ft. All are three-year deals. Quoting rents are £11.50/sq ft.
Jonathan Nuttall at Landmarq LLP said: "This is a very positive start to the New Year knowing that three companies have taken a healthy combined space at the property. There is still approximately 7,000 sq ft of quality office space available and we are confident that this will be let to the right tenants in the coming months."
The 89,000 sq ft office is situated on the edge of Preston city centre next to Preston bus station.