Manchester scores highly in two global leagues
Manchester is a better place to live than London and produces some of the most employable graduates in the world, according to two separate surveys.
Manchester University comes fourth in the world when ranked by employers, behind Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge, according to a report by education network Quacquarelli Symonds . Manchester is equal in its fourth spot with Warwick, London School of Economics, Melbourne, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale, Stanford and Berkeley.
Overall, Manchester is ranked 29th best university in the world according to the league table, which assesses academic reputation, graduate employability, research, and the number of staff for each student. In the top 200 are Liverpool University at 123 and Lancaster, 153.
Cambridge was named best university in the world for the second year running, ahead of Harvard, MIT, Yale and Oxford, respectively.In a separate study by the Economist Intelligence Unit, Manchester was placed 42nd most 'livable city' in the world, ahead of London in 53rd.
The regular EIU guide scores cities against numerous criteria including political and social stability, crime rates, healthcare, culture and infrastructure.
Vancouver was replaced after a decade at the top by Melbourne at number one and the Austrian capital Vienna in second place.