Lancaster University extends chemistry department
The university is looking for a contractor to deliver the latest phase of its campus development programme with the construction of an 11,500 sq ft extension to the Department of Chemistry for research space and laboratories for SMEs.
The new Core Technology Access Programme building will provide small and medium enterprises with support for product and process innovation guidance throughout all stages of product design, scale-up and performance testing. The building is designed to provide laboratory and office accommodation for staff, partner companies and technologists.
The facility will be connected to the university's new Department of Chemistry which is being created as part of the refurbishment and redevelopment of the Faraday Building on the main campus site.
The ground floor will provide office and clerical accommodation, while the upper floors will house laboratory and write-up accommodation.
The proposed site is bound by the existing Faraday building to the west, John Creed Avenue to the north and the newly created Department of Chemistry suite to the south.
Construction is scheduled to start in October 2014 and complete in October 2015. The development is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
Wilson Mason & Partners is the architect on the scheme.
The deadline for receipt of tenders is noon on 11 July.