Knowsley and Liverpool to share regeneration boss
Knowsley Council and Liverpool City Council are set to share a regeneration boss in a temporary move agreed by the two councils' leaders.
Nick Kavanagh, currently executive director of regeneration, economy and skills at Knowsley Council, will spend around three days a week in the city council's offices.
Kavanagh, who joined Knowsley Council in October 1985, said: "Working across two councils is still a relatively new idea and for that reason offers a hugely exciting challenge. I will be working hard to ensure that my time is spent driving the two councils' regeneration agendas and ensuring that they are aligned for the on-going benefit of the city region.
"Who knows how this might affect the way councils work across the region? Working together in partnership will offer advantages to both organisations and this is an ideal opportunity to really put that into action."
John Kelly stepped down from his position as executive director of regeneration at Liverpool City Council earlier in August.
Cllr Joe Anderson, leader of Liverpool City Council, said: "It makes absolute sense at a time when we face such difficult challenges that two forward thinking councils should share their talent whenever possible. By working together we are making a ground breaking move and one that makes the City Region Agenda real.
"As we restructure, to make our council a leaner, more efficient organisation, I am determined that the momentum of our regeneration work does not falter by tapping into the talent that we have across the city region.
Cllr Ron Round, leader of Knowsley Council, added: "When we were approached with this idea I immediately realised it makes sense that we should work together on an issue like regeneration when it is of such huge importance to both the city and the region.
"Several other councils are now seriously considering pooling their talent and, as times get tougher, we should not be afraid of trying new ways of working and ensuring we provide the public with the best value-for-money services we can."
Seems to have been a number of Directors ‘stepping down’ from their positions at Liverpool recently, begs the question did they go or were they pushed?
By Concerned Reader
you should put some of talents in halewood we live in the dark ages it is nice when you have to shop in a mobile shop i forgot it is 2011 shops have not been invented yet in halewood
By andrew thompson