Inspector backs Hyde mixed-use project
Elland-based Commercial Development Projects has won a planning appeal for a residential and employment scheme on an 8-acre site in Broadway Industrial Estate, Hyde.
The brownfield plot will be used to build 87 homes and a play area, alongside 36,000 sq ft of industrial and distribution units.
In 2013 CDP submitted an outline application to Tameside Council including means of access for the scheme following a community consultation exercise. The developer lodged an appeal on the grounds of non-determination in August 2014.
A Government planning inspector ruled on 23 February that the plans met with the council's employment policy tests. He noted that the site had been fully marketed and that there was a surplus of employment land in the borough. He also found that there was an inadequate supply of land for housing in Tameside.
In a letter outlining his decision, the inspector concluded that: "In developing a large, vacant site and providing a mix of new housing and employment units, the appeal scheme would provide significant housing, employment and regeneration benefits."
HOW Planning submitted and project managed the planning application and appeal on behalf of CDP working with DTZ. The agents on the scheme are Davies Harrison and JLL.