Consultation launched for £18m Rhyl sea defences

Denbighshire Council has appointed Balfour Beatty and JBA Consulting to draw up plans for an £18m sea defence programme along Rhyl’s promenade between Splash Point and the Rhyl Golf Club.

The plans include increasing the height of the existing sea wall and installing rock armour over an 18-month period, set to begin in 2019 subject to planning permission and a funding agreement.

The scheme will be designed with rock armour to dissipate the impact of storm waves and extend the design life of the sea wall; the defences will be designed to significantly reduce the risk of flooding to the town over the next 100 years.

Existing inshore walls and flood gates, as well as storm water storage, will all be retained as part of the proposals.

Cllr Brian Jones, Denbighshire County Council’s lead member for highways, planning and sustainable travel, said: “Due to the low-lying nature of East Rhyl, wave overtopping remains the most serious coastal flood risk.

“Short-term resilience measures were undertaken by Denbighshire County Council following the 2013 storms and this project will provide substantial and durable protection in the long term.

“Making our communities more resilient is a priority for the council under our corporate plan and once completed this work will offer a huge comfort to the community.”

Consultation events are planned over the next four weeks, with the first event taking place on 11 October between 10am and 8pm at the Elwy Room at Rhyl Community Fire Station. A further event is planned for 8 November at the same venue.

Balfour Beatty has previously delivered the North’s largest flood defence scheme at Blackpool, Rossall, and the Fylde Peninsula, in a £63m project which was completed in June this year.

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