561 homes top Cheadle agenda
If the list of development applications is anything to go by, the Cheadle area of Stockport is geared up for significant growth in the next few years.
The Cheadle Area Committee will deliberate over three residential applications during its meeting on Tuesday, each recommended for them to give a thumbs up to prior to being voted on by the wider Stockport planning committee.
On the agenda: outline permission for up to 278 homes on the site of Gatley Golf Club, detailed plans for 124 homes off Wilmslow Road, and proposals for 159 homes off Stanley Road.
Gatley Golf Club
- Application reference number: DC/081468
Gatley Golf Club is currently a nine-hole private membership course, but under plans from Hollins Strategic Land it will become a thriving neighbourhood.
Hollins Strategic Land is seeking outline planning approval to construct up to 278 homes on 44 acres off Styal Road in Gatley. The project also calls for the retention of the Heald Green Community Theatre and the course’s club house, which will adjusted to provide 2,150 sq ft of retail space.
Of the 278 homes proposed, 140 would be designated as affordable, according to the planning statement by Nexus Planning.
The homes themselves would be built on just 16 acres of the site, with more than 26 acres reserved for open space. This includes a new urban park that would connect to the existing Rose Vale Park.
In addition to Nexus Planning, the project’s team includes Tetra Tech, Broadway Malyan, Lexington, Kathryn Sather & Associates, Professional Consult, and Tyler Grange.
Ironside Farrar, Brownfield Solutions, Redmore Environmental, Eddisons, and Geomatic Surveys have also advised on the scheme.
Land at Wilmslow Road
- Application reference number: DC/084620
Armed with outline permission from the Secretary of State, Bloor Homes is ready to proceed with the second and final phase of its 325-home Green Belt neighbourhood off Wilmslow Road in Heald Green.
This second phase consists of 124 homes, of which 40 would be affordable. Of those 40, 13 would be available under social rent and the other 27 for shared ownership.
The houses themselves have a mixture of bedrooms, with most having between three and four.
Each of the homes would have a private garden and able to take advantage of the open space included in the first phase of the project, which includes a community orchard and wildflower meadow.
The project team includes NJL Consulting and Lee Roxburgh Consulting Engineers.
Land off Stanley Road
- Application reference number: DC/087141
Clowes Developments and Great Places Housing Group have tweaked their 159-home plans for 11 acres off Stanley Road in Heald Green to increase the amount of social housing. Originally, the scheme only had 112 affordable homes – but now the entire project will be affordable housing.
This breaks down to 81 one- and two-bedroom apartments, three bungalows, and 75 houses. The houses range from having two bedrooms to four.
Of the 159 homes, 82 are to be available under the shared ownership tenure, 30 for social rent, and 47 for affordable rent.
While the site is in the Green Belt, a good chunk has been previously developed and is currently used as an airport car park.
Savills is the planning consultant for the project. Cartwright & Gross is the architect and IBI is the landscape architect. The project team also includes DeltaSimons, SLR, and CHBS.
Isn’t the market a bit saturated for 2 and 3 bedroom cardboard box houses arranged randomly on a field of tarmac?
These types of estates are the worst of both urban and suburban worlds. Miles away from any amenities, car dependent, and yet you don’t even get a big house with a big garden. Who is really winning here?
By Anonymous
Build on green spaces where folk are, but keep green spaces where they are not.
It must make sense to some body, I suppose.
By Anonymous
@ anonymous (November 23, 2023 at 8:42 pm)
If you build on the green spaces where folk aren’t then there’ll be folk there with no green space…
By Anonymous
Too much! Leave some green spaces for the wildlife
By Lee Jones
Great to see such positive planning momentum for a change. Proper family homes in the suburbs, brilliant.
By Poppy
Build on a few green spaces where there are lots of green spaces, but do not build on a green space where it is the only green space. So there!
By Anonymous
Roads are gridlocked most of the time in this area especially during rush hour and school time traffic, I’d love to know how highways will deal with another 1000 plus vehicles
By Oliver Lipson
I think all these Green Belt / Open Space applications in Stockport are always recommended for approval (by officers) but never end up getting approved (by members).
Will be interesting to see how many of these applications end up going to appeal (excluding the Bloor Homes site that was already granted outline planning permission on appeal by Seashell Trust).
By UnaPlanner
Couldn’t agree more with the first comment. Across Greater Manchester we need higher density, with decent apartments or 3 storey town houses to increase street activity and reduce car reliance.
By John smith
Our councillors yet again letting us down !
We don’t need all this housing, hardly any of the Bloor Homes are sold atm. This is green belt a link road straight through to the A34 which will create a rat run. A cycle path to nowhere that is an absolute disgrace the state of the area is just awful ! Heald Green has and is being ruined !
By Annoyed resident
Such a shame Gatley Golf course is set in beautiful surroundings another green space lost.
By Brian Holmes
Dreadful situation Styal road not able to cope with number of cars currently !!! So circa 600 more cars piling out of tiny side roads not really acceptable ! The effect on wildlife and peoples mental health should also be taken into consideration ! Our green spaces should be protected at all costs not built on every available square inch . Schools and gps are already saturated not to mention other overstretched resources !!!! There is a tree preservation order that cannot be overruled and very poor access to this site affecting a school and residential roads already used as a ratrun !!!
By Anonymous
Agree with comments around loss of green areas and increase of traffic already busy areas. Where are the additional school places to appear from and doctors to cater for the additional local population. You never see this as part of the grand plan and it’s about time it was transparently published.
By Anonymous
561 homes, how are the Dr’s, schools, roads going to cope? How much is an affordable house, unfortunately far too high for the first time buyers that have grown up in these areas. Not only this, our wildlife will also be damaged by these builds
By Anonymous
Withdrawing from GMSF has really protected green space in Stockport, Not!
By Anonymous
Absolutely disgraceful. The definition of urban sprawl. No regard for residents, wildlife, air quality or traffic flow. You have to ask what local councillors are doing …
By Anonymous
What totally boring sticky-tacky little boxes.
Looks like they were designed by accountants, not architects.
By Paul Duce
It’s ok to keep building but what about the infrastructure?
By Alan sherlock
Love all these comments, where do these wise people think housing should go??
Green spaces…..it was a private golf course and is openly being part developed! I pray for the generation coming through that it and many others get approved and built!
By Leon
Leon – no problem with sites being developed, just not with itty-bitty little houses that do nothing to ease housing undersupply and only promote/encourage car dependency. Would much rather have homes built at higher densities to support walkable neighbourhoods on our cities’ vast swathes of brownfield land. Hope that helps.
By Anonymous
Yes, let’s keep people piling in , cover everything green in bricks and concrete and then sloganise our environmental credentials. Shortage of houses? There’s a shortage of common sense.
By Anonymous
If we’d built at higher densities to begin with we’d have more green space and less sprawling suburbia
By Anonymous
Already gridlocked roads, consider impact on local health centres, schools roads etc
Not enough cycle lanes, direct buses to Manchester, pot holes in roads will increase with heavy traffic. There are brown sites to develop which are overlooked why ?
Houses prices are high and social housing and first time buyers are not always affordable to many
By Anonymous