Wilmslow care home scheme refused again
McGoff’s controversial plans for a 60-bedroom care home in Wilmslow have been rejected for the second time by Cheshire East Council due to “over-development” in the local area.
Like the first refusal last April, the council’s decision on Wednesday came after the three-storey scheme was recommended for approval by the planning officer.
The application was submitted by New Care, a subsidiary of McGoff Group, and proposed the demolition of two detached houses to make way for new homes on a 1.1-acre plot off Handforth Road.
The developer had initially wanted the scheme to include 83 bedrooms but that scaled down to 69 during the consultation process, and again to 65 bedrooms at the time of the first rejection of the scheme by planning officers.
A council officer said at the time: “The principal visual effect of the development would arise from the elements that face, and are visible from, Handforth Road. I conclude that the proposed development would cause harm to the character and appearance of the area.”
Amended plans for a 60-bedroom care home were submitted in July 2019 but the application was once again rejected, by eight votes to three, by the planning committee when it met yesterday.
Summing up the decision, officer Mike Hulland, said: “The proposed development would lead to an over-development of the site by reason of its scale, mass and bulk, which in turn, would detrimentally impact the character and appearance of the area.
“Material considerations are not deemed sufficient to outweigh the harm. The proposal would therefore fail to adhere with policies the sustainable development principles and design of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy.”
Chief executive of McGoff, said: “The decision to refuse the application for a second time when senior planning officers have recommended approval on both occasions is one of the most bizarre planning decisions I have ever seen in my 25 year career. Especially when the need for the care home is clear for all to see.
“There is a demographic time bomb in this country which is fuelling a care crisis, and if we don’t give proper consideration to fit-for-purpose facilities in areas where people want to live, and always have done, close to family and loved ones, that also meet regulatory and sustainability requirements, then we simply will not be able to cope.”
The scheme was designed by architects Street Design Partnerships and landscape architects DEP Landscape Architecture. Garner Town Planning is the agent.
Cheshire East council refuse a planning application there’s a shock.
By Anonymous
It would be interesting to know how much tax-payer money has been spent defending appeals where the committee has refused an application against officer recommendation.
By Anonymous
That’s funny because all those houses being built on fields mustn’t have been seen to change the image much ?!
By Abe
Cheshire East is no longer Conservative controlled, so the new administration doesn’t have to ram through building just because the government says so. The council won the 1st appeal, so it costs them nothing. The Planning Inspector agreed that it was over development and dismissed the appeal. Reducing from 65 to 60 beds doesn’t really get over that.
By Anonymous
If you are so concerned about nursing care. Go find yourself a more suitable site. Stop harassing those poor neighbours.
By Sheila Jones
Mr McGoff thinks he knows best and us coming across very arrogant. He should listen to what councillors and inspectors are saying. It is the wrong location.
By Anonymous