Walkden retirement flats, Alderley Group, p EKPS

The site has been the subject of several previous planning applications. Credit: via planning documents

Walkden retirement flats tipped for approval

Alderley Group’s 46-apartment complex on the corner of Manchester Road and Bolton Road is due to be given the go-ahead this week.

Salford City Council’s planning team has recommended the project for approval, highlighting various merits of the scheme.

Alderley’s scheme would “revitalise an underutilised and visually unattractive site [and] contribute towards a greater sense of place at this gateway location”, according to a planning report.

In addition, the BTP Architects-designed project would result in “substantial benefits both socially and economically” due to the provision of 100% affordable housing.

Upon completion, the scheme would be operated by Housing 21.

The five-storey development would be constructed on the site of the former Stocks Hotel.

The proposals feature 38 one-bedroom apartments and eight with two bedrooms.

Complete Construction, Alderley Group’s in-house construction arm is expected to start on site in Q3, subject to planning approval. Euan Kellie Property Solutions is advising on planning.

The site has been the subject of several other planning applications over recent years. The most recent came from Bellmac Properties, which saw its plans for 43 apartments and 5,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space approved by Salford City Council in 2019.

To learn more about the latest plans for the site, search for reference number PA/2024/0795 on Salford City Council’s planning portal.

Your Comments

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The Stocks Hotel is next to this Development and is still there and open. This land was advertising boards for years and many years before that it was terrace housing.

By Jon P

Affordable housing is always great in an area of high demand, and handy for public transport, Big Tesco, Spoons, and if feeling brave, the Stocks Hotel next door, but this is a particularly grim site for resi, right on the A6 and a very busy junction with fumes and noise.
Can’t really see how ventilation will work if the windows and those juliet balconies have to be kept shut all the time.

By Pembroke Hall

Salford Council don’t care about causing more congestion on our roads. We already have far too many flats and apartments in Walkden.

By Kc

In the wrong place

By Anonymous

Will be a great addition to the area, much needed social housing for the area.

By Mary

As dedicated ‘retirement’ flats, would they be warden controlled?

By Stuart

5 storeys for retirement flats? Too high!

By Anonymous

What do the nay sayers suggest as an alternative development? More empty shops?

By Simon

I think this is needed will be very good for family’s and older people still able to shop .

By James peers

Stocks hotel is still there next to this development! Cracking boozer, use em or lose em.Great hospitality.

By Chris H

It’s not on the stocks, it’s next to the stocks. The Stocks is very much open!!!

Hope they like karaoke Sundays 😄

By Daniel Howell

Very much needed in this area !!

By Sarah Jane

Sounds brilliant

By Anonymous

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