Urban Splash reshuffles board
The developer has promoted directors Simon Gawthorpe and Julian Curnuck to joint chief operating officers and announced the departure of deputy chief executive Nick Johnson and construction director Guy Jackson.
The board now comprises Gawthorpe and Curnuck alongside Tom Bloxham, chairman, Jonathan Falkingham, chief executive and Nathan Cornish, director. Johnson and Jackson both said they would pursue new projects but details were not disclosed.
Bloxham said in a statement: "It has been a fantastic and challenging journey since we established Urban Splash nearly two decades ago. The most recent years have been a learning curve for all of us and I feel that a slightly slimmed down main board is right for us moving forward. It also presents an opportunity for some of the very bright, younger talent within the business to play a bigger role in its future."
The commercial portfolio totals 2m sq ft and is 90% full. The residential portfolio contains 700 units, of which 95% are let.
Bloxham added: "I've really enjoyed working with Nick and Guy and they leave on great terms with my very best wishes. I'm confident that we'll also find ways of working together in the future.
"Nick and I have known each other and worked together for more than 20 years. We were there right at the start when 'urban' was a dirty word. Together with the rest of the team we crafted a company that became a leader in its field and probably the first ever 'branded' property company. Nick was an integral part of that and is a true pioneer."
Johnson is chairman of Marketing Manchester. At Splash he was among the team responsible for Park Hill in Sheffield and New Islington in Manchester, both of which the company is continuing to deliver.
Johnson said: "The last 15 years with Urban Splash have been an amazing adventure. We completed some truly original projects and I was privileged to work with – and have the support of – a number of very talented people. However the right time has come for me to do something fresh."
Jackson led the delivery of Fort Dunlop and the Rotunda in Birmingham, schemes in Plymouth and more recently the completion of Lakeshore in Bristol. He was also responsible for running the construction arm of the business, overseeing an operation that was constructing £100m a year at its peak.
Jackson said: "I've had a great eight years at Urban Splash, it's been an amazing journey but the time has come for me to take up a new challenge. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with Tom, the directors and the great staff at Splash. We've had great support from our supply chain and I've loved working with some of the country's best designers. The legacy of what's been achieved at Urban Splash by my team is clear to see and it's an honour to see schemes we've worked on quickly becoming iconic buildings across the country."