Two workmen die in Middlewich
Two men in their 40s died when a tipper truck they were working in apparently hit an overhead power cable in Middlewich, Cheshire.
Cheshire Police believe the tipper section of the lorry was raised to offload road surfacing material and came into contact with overhead electrical lines. Both men were in the rear of the lorry when the incident took place.
The police said they were called to the scene in Booth Lane at 2.15pm on Friday following reports the men had been electrocuted.
The driver of the vehicle, a 54-year-old man from Derbyshire, was unhurt.
The Health and Safety Executive has been informed.
Next of kin of the deceased, both from Cheshire, have been notified, but police said no further information will be released at this stage.
Anytime is of course tragic, but to lose someone at the end year when festive spirits are creeping in must be terrible. I feel for the families. Absolutely shocking.
By Colin Smith