Trafford set to approve 600 homes in Partington
Galliford Try Partnerships and Trafford Housing Trust are set to secure consent to build up to 600 homes on a 72-acre former gas storage site in Partington, despite disagreements with council planners over provision of affordable housing.
The site, which backs on to Carrington Moss, will include a mix of 500 homes for private sale under Galliford Try’s Linden Homes brand, and THT’s brand Laurus Homes, while a further 100 are to be made available for shared ownership or affordable rent.
The housebuilder and housing trust, operating under a joint venture named Health Farm LLP, submitted an application for the project last August.
The hybrid application includes full planning permission for the first 148 homes on the site, featuring a mix of two, three, and four-bed houses, along with remediation works to the whole site.
The 148 homes are split between two phases, with the first delivering 80 houses on land to the south west of Broadway, and the second including 68 homes on the western side of the gas storage site. Of the homes delivered in the first two phases, 74 will be classed as affordable.
Four separate public green spaces are proposed as part of the first two phases; the largest covers nearly 400,000 sq ft and will act as a buffer between the second and later phases of the development. The other three green spaces range between 57,000 sq ft and 9,000 sq ft in the opening phases, and include a mix of grassland, trees, and footpaths.
The total number of trees to be planted in the first and second phases totals more than 3,800.
Alongside the full planning application, there is also an outline application for the remaining 452 homes, alongside new public open space. Access to these homes will be via Broadway.
Planner Barton Willmore has supported the joint venture on its application for the site, arguing there would be “overwhelming benefits” from the development, including economic and social benefits and delivery of affordable homes above Trafford Council’s normal criteria.
Trafford Council’s planning officers have put forward a ‘minded to grant’ recommendation ahead of next week’s planning committee.
The planners’ report argues there are a number of benefits with “significant weight” including the provision of new homes, a contribution towards the regeneration of Partington, and “significant areas of open space and green infrastructure”. Planners also backed the scheme based on the “re-use and remediation of a previously developed, under-utilised and contaminated land”.
However, planning officers also criticised the developers’ viability assessment, which argued the project “cannot sustain any affordable housing or other Section 106 requirements, and that the abnormal costs associated with this complex site mean that a ‘standard developer’ could not provide the council with any affordable units”.
Most of the affordable homes on the site will be delivered in the first two phases by THT and are supported by Homes England grant funding.
The council’s own viability consultant argued none of the developers’ viability scenarios “meet the required tests”, and argued the developers’ proposed profit margin of 20% “has not been justified” while anticipated sales values are “conservative”.
As a result, officers argued the scheme “should be able to deliver” 100 grant-funded affordable homes alongside side further affordable housing and would still be viable.
The report said: “Given that question marks remain over the robustness of the applicant’s viability appraisal, and that the affordable houses are to be provided through Homes England grant funding, albeit there is some impact on sales values to the developer, it is disappointing that the applicant is unwilling to provide further affordable units.”
If the scheme is approved, a legal agreement is to include a £162,750 contribution towards outdoor sports facilities; £56,000 towards highways improvements at the Manchester Road and Flixton Road junction; and a submission of a viability review of the scheme for each of the phases beyond the opening two.
Trafford Council’s planning committee will meet to discuss the plans on Thursday 11 April.
Totally inadequate provision for the likely increase in traffic flow onto already congested local roads. 600 homes and only £56k towards road improvements??
By Brooklands resi
As a life long resident of Partington, I already feel trapped in this town as getting in and out through Carrington is a nightmare. On my morning commute it already takes me almost an hour to drive six miles. This project will only make this worse!
By Tracy Davies
You’re all making the traffic worse by contributing in the traffic jams. If it bothers you that much change how you travel, or move elsewhere. Otherwise, please stop complaining about traffic on every article.
By Anonymous
Andy Burnham will sort it.
£56k is no where near enough to improve the road structure getting in and out at peak times is horrendous and this will only add to frustration and delays.
By Rose Jarvis
All very good for the Partington area, however, has anyone considered the dire traffic problems? £56k for junction changes is a drop in the ocean. Is there really any point in asking the planners to consider this?
By Joseph moore
Dread to think what impact the zdditional traffic will have on local business’. Theres a good chance it will force some to move away from the area taking precious jibs with them.
By Aidan Harrison
Brilliant news housing and jobs . But will the contractors use local people for these jobs. Also its about time we had other forms of traval not just cars bikes buses . What about opening the railway . All other place have a railway . Urmston timpley stretford altrincham cadishead . Also what other facilities are going to be provided for children a youths.
By Wyn
Great the funnel of the traffic bottleneck just got smaller – coffers for Trafford misery for residents and car drivers. As usual short term revenues against a lack of strategic overview. What threat to Carrington Moss which is a special place.
By Sale resident
Has anybody noticed that this is a peat-based location and houses were not built on the site for a very good reason: they sink in peat and, more than that, here they will sink into asbestos dust as well. A paltry sum for sports facilities and road improvements. Who is going to afford the litigation when the asbestos dust starts to fly? And did anyone tell them about Climate Change and protecting peat bogs? Where are Trafford’s Green credentials in all of this?
By Charlotte Starkey
Great news would love the chance too maybe buy one of theses houses with my partner , also it’s just what Partington needs , the traffic shouldn’t be an issue for this not too go ahead !
By Anonymous