BUZZINESS… Everywhere you turn in Manchester you are faced with bee insignia. And just when you thought Manchester’s bee population had reached saturation point, another 320,000 of the fuzzy insects take up residence in the city. Four hives have been installed at City Tower in a bid to boost the building’s biodiversity. As part of the initiative, a competition was run among the buildings’ tenants for the right to name each of the hive’s queens – the winning names? Beeyonce, Emmeline, Winnie, and Lilibet. Alas, no room for Buzzy McBuzzface.
NAME GAMES… In the wake of eyebrow-raising proposals that could see India change its name to Bharat, The University of Bolton is also seeking a rebrand. The institution wants to ditch its current name and be known as the University of Greater Manchester in a bid to attract more students. A smart move perhaps, but not a particularly good look for brand Bolton.
BRIDGING FINANCE… The world’s oldest railway viaduct – located in Newton-le-Willows – is, unsurprisingly, in need of some repairs. Network Rail is investing £3.8m to overhaul Sankey viaduct, which opened in 1830 and bridges the 160-metre gap over the Sankey Valley between Liverpool and Manchester. A team of 25 engineers will set about strengthening, repointing, and just generally sprucing up the structure ahead of its 200th birthday in 2030.
HUBNOBING… Trafford Council has set up a handy tool to make life easier for developers interested in working in the borough. The developer hub has all of the information property professionals require – from land availability to planning policies – in one place. The authority hopes the platform will give developers more clarity on what is expected of them and minimise time-consuming wrangling over façade materials, building heights, and affordable homes provision. Cllr Liz Patel, Trafford Council’s executive member for economy and regeneration, explained that the hub is designed to “help builders and developers navigate the development process more smoothly”.“We want to make the process as simple as possible and the hub is there to explain everything that developers need to know,” she added. Think of it as checking the menu online before you go to a restaurant.
HOUSE OF HISTORY… A grade two-listed property with potential links to Oliver Cromwell, Henry VIII, and even witchcraft has hit the market. Winton Hall has sat near Kirkby Stephen in Cumbria since 500 AD. During that time, it has seen it all. Having housed the daughter of Henry VIII and the Yorkist forces of Edward IV, before being gifted by Cromwell to the Lord Lieutenant of Westmorland, this house has really stood the test of time.
The property comes complete with marks of witchcraft, mullioned windows, and a grand hallway and could be all yours for just under £1m – but you can’t put a price on history, right?