Port Salford, Salford City Council, c Google Earth

The MDZ is aimed at unleashing Port Salford's potential. Credit: Google Earth

Steps taken to unlock 5.5m sq ft Salford employment opportunity

A fresh approach to securing government investment for infrastructure required to pave the way for the next phase of Port Salford is being explored.

A Mayoral Development Zone covering the Western Gateway would see Salford City Council, Trafford Council, and the GMCA join forces to break long-standing funding impasse by forging a strategic relationship with National Highways and Network Rail.

The Western Gateway is one of Greater Manchester’s growth locations and incorporates Carrington, Port Salford, Partington, Trafford City, and Trafford Park. It could generate more than 20,000 jobs, according to an economic assessment undertaken by Ekosgen in 2023.

However, growth has been slow due to a failure to secure funding for infrastructure.

Bids for cash to pay for significant highway and rail infrastructure needed to unlock the delivery of 5.5m sq ft of industrial space in the Salford section of the growth zone – specifically at Port Salford and around Salford Community Stadium – have been rejected on seven separate occasions, according to a report to Salford City Council’s cabinet.

It is hoped that the MDZ would bring an end to the failed bids and see a “highway infrastructure solution to unlock Port Salford and Trafford Waters” delivered, as well as the Port Salford rail link, the report states.

Additional funding to improve rail and road links to Eccles town centre would also be sought.

Over the border in Trafford, the local council and GMCA want to establish a mayoral development corporation to drive the regeneration of land around Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium.

Within the Western Gateway, there are also separate infrastructure requirements in Trafford for New Carrington and Old Trafford.

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Another project that Peel came out with years ago and have failed to deliver on…

By sceptic

One of the ingredients that’s the Northern Gateway to progress Manchester City Councils interest, unless Manchester, Salford and Trafford with private business are collectively to work together the huge opportunities within GMs Western Gateway will never be realised. The local authorities need to get their collective acts behind the Western Gateway just as Manchester does with the Northern Gateway and East Manchester. I fear this will never happen.


Tram extension to the stadium?

By Levelling Up Manager

So why has road adjustments been granted to take away a car lane on this stretch but now they want to introduce more traffic

By Alison

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