RLA takes two floors in Sale
The Residential Landlords’ Association has taken more than 6,000 sq ft at GGM Properties’ 212 Washway Road near Sale town centre, a move which will see it relocate from its nearby training centre on Roebuck Lane.
Canning O’Neill is retained agent for the 9,600 sq ft building, which sits on the corner of Washway Road and Harboro Road. The building has seen an extensive refurbishment to a Grade A specification after formerly being used as a place of worship; this refurbishment completed last year.
The RLA has taken the ground and first floors, leaving around 3,400 sq ft remaining on the second floor. It currently has a training centre on Roebuck Lane, only a few roads up Washway Road from its new base.
The office also has car parking space for 28 cars together with bicycle storage and shower facilities.
Sale’s office market has seen lettings success in recent months with Brooklands Place, next to Brooklands Metrolink, now fully let. Occupiers at the development, owned by Willan Investments, including Harold Sharp and Camlee Group.
Around 72,000 sq ft of Jackson House, further up Washway Road, has also come available with former occupier Harrison Brooks moving out after its buyout last year, while equipment supplier Chep has moved out its 14,000 sq ft space. Canning O’Neill and Savills are joint agents for this building, which is owned by CEG.
Good to see GGM’s investment paying off.
By Cheshire boy
Great to see 212 Washway Rd letting. Nice little building.
By M33 Boi