Preston misses out on affordable homes after planning error

A development of 140 houses on the edge of Preston is set to go ahead without the inclusion of 40 affordable homes, after an error on a planning notice omitted a condition of approval requiring that 30% of the scheme be at less than market value.

The development by a subsidiary of Barratt Homes at Eastway on the edge of Preston was granted outline planning permission in March 2014, and details of the scheme are expected to be approved at the council’s planning committee on Thursday 8 September.

A report ahead of the meeting revealed that all of the houses on the 13-acre site will be for sale on the open market, as “despite the committee approving the outline application with a recommended condition requiring 30% affordable housing, there was an error on the decision notice which meant this condition was not included.

It continues: “As this application seeks approval for the details of the development, the local planning authority cannot re-visit matters of principle, such as affordable housing, at this stage.”

The development will be a mix of one, two and three-bedroom detached, semi-detached and muse homes. The reserved matters application being considered on Thursday details design aspects, access and street

Including affordable housing can mean a mix of tenures, whether homes for social rent, or houses that are put up for sale in shared ownership schemes or at a lower cost for first time buyers.

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Its alright, I’m sure Barratt will step up to the mark and honour the recommended 30% affordables?

By zebith

Sure it was an error…

By Top Cat

Yes I’m sure in the spirit of everyone pulling together in the aftermath of Brexit, ensuring that wider society benefits from economic growth rather than just shareholders and rich company directors and executives, I’m sure we’ll see Barratt Homes funding these important affordable homes voluntarily. They’ll definitely not want to profit from an administrative oversight?

By Pig with wings

Place NW – can we ask for a comment from Barratt on this please?

By zebith

muse homes?

By pedant

well done Barratt

By pdp

Well what a loss for Preston, and all the people who need affordable homes. Surely the planning department can get some staff who know what they are doing. Bad management,

By concerned

I have seen first hand what affordable housing really means; up all night because of loud music, vandalism, kids running wild, littering, people who have no concept of what a nice community should be, etc. Not all are like that but it is a gamble when you have affordable mixed in with other homes. Error or a bit of money under the table to look the other way? Either way I am sure if will be a nice place for people who can afford to live there now.

By Frederick

No that is NOT what affordable housing means – ridiculous prejudice.

By PNW reader

My idea of a nice community doesn’t include those who look down their noses at poor people.

By Bibo

Bibo, no-one’s talking about ‘poor people’. We are talking about those clowns that seem to infect modern communities, you know the types….we all do. Normally a product of scummy mummies.

By Mizzer

Frederick, your views on affordable housing are beyond belief.

By zebith

Mizzer, that clearly IS what Frederick is talking about. He’s tarring all people who live in affordable homes with the same brush.

By Bibo

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