Joanne Roney at Question Time , Place North West, c PNW

Our latest Place North podcast episode features Joanne Roney, chief executive of Manchester City Council. Credit: PNW

PODCAST | Manchester CEO on the arena bombing, Covid, and how to lead

Ahead of her departure to take the top civil servant post at Birmingham City Council, Joanne Roney sat down with Place North West to reflect on the past seven years leading the Northern city.

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Joanne Roney became chief executive of Manchester City Council in 2017, taking over the role from the late Sir Howard Bernstein.

During her tenure, she has overseen the continued transformation of the city from the skyscrapers of Deansgate to Aviva Studios. She led the city during the Covid pandemic and in the aftermath of the Manchester Arena bombing.

In this podcast episode, Roney chats with Place North West editor Julia Hatmaker and Place North managing partner and head of commercial Dino Moutsopoulos about her legacy in the city and what it takes to be a good chief executive – whether that’s for a company or a local authority.

She also elaborated on her relationship with the built environment, where she sees the city’s office sector going, and ways to continue to bring in investment.

Julia Hatmaker, Joanne Roney, Dino Moutsopoulos. c Place North West

Our latest Place North podcast episode features editor Julia Hatmaker, Manchester City Council chief executive Joanne Roney, and Place North managing partner Dino Moutsopoulos. Credit: PNW

Roney’s last day in post is 5 September. She will begin her farewell tour with an onstage interview with Place North West deputy editor Dan Whelan during our sold-out Greater Manchester Development Update. Highlights from the interview will appear on Place the following week.

Don’t miss a single Place podcast episode. Subscribe to our series on SpotifyApple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

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A lot of waffle from her as result of truly soft ball sycophantic interview.Her 7 years in reality is totally devoid of any achievement what so ever and the sooner she is gone the better.

By Tracey Shaw

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