Plans approved for 650 homes
An outline application from Bloor Homes for 650 houses has gone through Cheshire East Council’s strategic planning board.
Before any plans go forward, there will be a wait to see if the secretary of state calls the application in.
Bloor’s South Cheshire Growth Village would span 97 acres and would provide 10,750 sq ft of gross floor space for local retail.
Residential sites would cover around 45 acres.
Each building would not exceed three storeys.
Included in the plans is a village centre, improved active travel links, and green infrastructure such as parks and open space.
The mixed-use local centre would provide an enhanced public realm and appropriate retail provision.
There are also plans for sports pitches, a children’s play area and an outdoor gym.
The site sits off the land adjoining Old Park Road, Weston Road, Main Road, and the B5472, near Stowford, Crewe.
Developer Bloor Homes has promised that 30% of builds will be affordable homes.
Precise details about the housing mix and layouts are still to be determined in a reserved matters application.
WSP and Wood also worked on the project.
To view the application use the reference 22/1447N on Cheshire East’s planning portal.
No school , nursery or doctor’s surgery then? When are these Local Authorities going to wake up?
By Anonymous
If that’s a railway line in the about image, why isn’t there a new station? why build hundreds of new homes next to a railway and not provide access, crazy
By GetItBuilt!
The going rate for a fairly simple station is at least £25m these days, so Bloor would probably say they couldn’t fund it and maintain viability, I’d guess.
By WayFay
Excellent . Put the homeless people in them
By Anonymous
@anon 13:28 These people already live somewhere, there are not magically 650 people descending on Earth from a space ship. These people will be freeing up other housing stock in other areas, quite possibly even in the same village… When will the non-property professionals on this forum wake up?
By red rose
More car dependent sprawl with no infrastructure. Very unsustainable, no matter the “garden village” name
By Anonymous
Yet more of our beautiful countryside gone forever….criminal
By Mrs Bigfoot
The elephant in the room is why is there such a huge demand? Over the last 20 years our population has grown by 8 million 80% of this increase due to immigration and the children there of. Simply not sustainable.
By Anonymous
@redrose you are correct, it does free up other housing stock but that does not mean that people buying the housing will be from the local area, and the dynamic of household types will likely also changes, for example more families less childless households. An increase in the immediate local population will put additional strain on existing infrastructure and services.
By Anonymous
Some of the comments, sheesh. Infrastructure is an issue, unfortunately our leaders cannot grasp that simple fact and town planners and the government of the day are knowingly both stupid and cynical in that respect. Meanwhile developers make billions building substandard shacks and get away with. However, the daftest comment goes to the person below asking why we need to build so many houses then quoting a population increase of 8 million! Just 1.5m houses built in the last 10 years…go figure. There are people out there desperate for homes. Living with parents, in HMO’s, hotels, renting. And plenty of them being subsidised by our your taxes. Get them built.
By Happy of Congleton
I presume none of the commentators against housing have children or grandchildren of their own who need housing in a local area?
By red rose
Anon – why does it matter if the people who buy there from the local area or not? I’m going to love hearing your totally non- xenophobic answer.
By Dave
My comment probably got deleted because we can’t say what we want anymore. We are like little ants being stood on
New reservoirs sewage works hospitals ect to stop this like other places becoming slums what does Rayner no
By Dave Stockton
So as well as importIng all of our energy we will now be importing all of our crops..
By Eric
If we are going to allow 45 acres for development, surely a third of it could be bungalows. We consistently underprovide homes for our older population, many of whom currently live in family homes and would love a purpose built new home.
By Anonymous
This is why they make fake grass. So are children’s children will know what grass looked like.
By ?