Goosnargh housing set for approval

A proposal from Seddon and registered social landlord Contour Homes to build 93 houses off Goosnargh Lane, Preston is to go before the city’s planning committee on 7 September with a recommendation to approve.

The site concerned is a 7.9-acre field opposite Goosnargh Recreation Ground and will be billed as The Showground.

Cassidy + Ashton has submitted the application on behalf the developers, and is seeking full planning permission for 30 houses to be sold on the open market and 63 affordable homes. Seventeen of the houses are to be single-storey.

In documentation supporting the application, C+A confirmed that existing footpaths across the aite will be incorporated into the scheme and existing trees and hedgerows retained where possible.

Summing the scheme up in its design & access statement, the firm said: “The proposed development complies with both national and local planning guidance and will enable the site to be appropriately developed.

“In particular, the development complies with relevant planning policy in so far as it represents an appropriate development under Policy HS4 of the Local Plan, providing new housing development adjoining the village of Goosnargh for affordable housing to meet the needs of the local area.

“It is acknowledged that a small proportion of market housing would be acceptable within a proposal such as this to facilitate the affordable element.”

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We bought the house called Cumbria on the plans in June 2017, now all these houses are taking up our view that we paid extra for, i cant believe this was approved, goosnargh lane and church Lane won’t cope with the extra traffic especially at school times, very sad.

By Anonymous

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