Chris Ledson, head of operations at Mansell Building Solutions, p Luma Marketing

Ledson has joined the business from his own venture, Ledson Construction Services. Credit: via Luma Marketing

Mansell appoints operations lead

Chris Ledson has joined from ESS Modular, where he was head of site operations from June 2023 to December last year.

A specialist in modern methods of construction, Ledson’s career has seen him oversee several public sector schemes for the Defence Infrastructure Organisation, Ministry of Justice, and Department for Education.

As head of operations at Mansell Building Solutions, Ledson will support the company’s crusade to increase the uptake and implementation of off-site construction while managing the business’s operations from pre-construction to delivery to finishes.

Ledson said: “Mansell is the go-to specialist contractor for panelised construction and MMC in the region and I’m looking forward to seeing what impact I can make on the business so that it can continue building high-quality spaces.”

“MMC is the future and the sooner the industry realises it, the better.”

He continued: “Offering the possibility to manufacture 365 days a year in a controlled environment, we can deliver a level of certainty that’s not possible with traditional methods.

“The unknowns of fluctuating material, construction, and labour costs are real concerns to commissioning clients, so the assurance we can offer with our offsite methods makes a big difference in their peace of mind.”

Ledson will be based from Mansell’s head office in Horwich and will work with clients across the North West.

Mansell Building Solutions employs more than 50 people based in the head office or factory at Rigby House in Horwich.

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