Liverpool to spend further £6m tackling empty homes
The investment will see a range of initiatives carried out over the next four years, including the provision of loans, subsidised refurbishment and acquisition of vacant properties.
The £6m programme will build on the range of work already ongoing in the city. According to the council, its Empty Homes Initiative launched in 2012, has brought 948 vacant properties back into use so far, with 951 more in the pipeline. The council is also currently appointing a strategic housing delivery partner to refurbish a further 1,000 properties.
In Anfield, the city council is working with partners including Your Housing Group to refurbish 550 homes, as part of the wider £260m regeneration plans for the area. In Granby, a £14m investment from Plus Dane, Liverpool Mutual Homes and community organisations is expected to bring more than 100 properties back into use by 2017.