Lancashire fills Kirkham regeneration funding gap
The county council will invest £3.2m into the Kirkham Futures programme after Fylde Council failed to receive its full request from the government’s Future High Streets Fund.
Fylde was only awarded £6.3m from the government fund but had requested £9.5m to the regeneration project, which includes public realm improvements, the creation of a heritage and eco skills centre, turning the grade two-listed 52-64 Poulton Street building into an arts entre and community cinema, and making Kirkgate Centre into apartments with retail on the ground floor.
Thus, the council had turned to the Lancashire County Council to make up the difference. The county council agreed to do so at its 20 January cabinet meeting.
County Cllr Aidy Riggott, the cabinet member for economic development and growth, shared his enthusiasm for the Kirkham Futures scheme.
“This is an exciting opportunity to support projects which will provide a major investment in Kirkham, bringing a significant economic benefit while also assisting with the economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic,” Riggott said.
“We’re working in partnership to make this project happen for local people and also visitors to the town.”
Fylde Council leader Cllr Karen Buckley said: “The gap of £3.2m being filled by Lancashire County Council puts us right back on track to deliver the Kirkham Futures scheme.
“I’m grateful to the Cabinet Member, County Councillor Aidy Riggott, for meeting with me and to the officers of both councils who are working closely together on a project which will transform the high street in Kirkham for the benefit of the residents and businesses for years to come.”
I think this is an excellent improvement for the town and is sure to boost the image of Kirkham
By Anonymous