Marketing + Communications

Your post-Covid Christmas campaign

Dare we say it…? No, not the C-word (OK, maybe later). Things seem to be getting back to normal, despite a rise in Covid-19 cases. Although normal is not what it used to be.

People are more empathetic, life and work are more flexible, and we have a renewed appreciation for quality time with friends and family. Another difference is that because of uncertainty, decisions are being made later.  Which is all well and good, but can make things difficult for us marketing folk (insight: we exist 6 months ahead of you).

Christmas campaigns are only just coming together for many.  And if yours hasn’t quite crystallised yet, here’s our quick check list.

Say your thank yous

First things first.  As you look back on the year, it’s important that you thank the people that helped you get here.  Your clients, collaborators and colleagues.

It’s trickier this year than it was before… because we’re not sure where everyone is! And gathering clients’ and collaborators’ home addresses can open up a difficult GDPR issue.

Be creative. Send a heartfelt message with a “click here, we’ve got something lovely for you” and then your intended recipient can add their own address into a supplier’s form and receive a lovely gift.  But keep it small this time: the days of the grand gesture or the crate of vintage champagne are gone.

And be meaningful. Time is our most precious asset; there is no better gift than someone taking time to craft a genuine, personal message.

Give back

Do something to support your local community. The key word here is local: smaller, local charities and community groups have really suffered these last two years from a dearth of fund-raising opportunities and also volunteers.

They need time, money, amplification and “gifts in kind”.  What can you do that extends past the Christmas season? Pick up the phone and ask.

Celebrate your successes

Take a moment to note what you’ve achieved this year.  No-one’s going to do it for you. And yes, people do want to know how you’re doing.

Try to make those successes about something other than financial gain though. How have you left the world better than you found it this year? How many new homes have you helped to deliver? New jobs created? What new ideas have become reality? Transformative moments for your clients?

It’s easy to just leap forward without looking backwards. But that backward look is how we learn.

Look forwards

Once you’ve put the year to rest, it’s time to look forward.

What are you looking forward to next year? What will you take into 2022 with you and what will you leave behind?  What do you predict will happen in the next 12 months (it’s OK to be completely wrong)?

Share your hopes with the world. You never know, someone with the power to help you get there may just be listening.

If you’re looking for help with your Christmas campaign, or to give your 2022 marketing activity some focus, give us a call. There’s a high chance we’re already thinking about it for you…


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