Housing minister to speak at Northern Regeneration Summit
Iain Wright, housing minister, will address next month's Northern Regeneration Summit at Manchester Central about the North's ability to meet housing growth targets in a declining market.
The two-day conference on 22 and 23 October will cover topical issues including how to use the new Local Asset-Backed Vehicles being devised with local authorities.
Wright will join a long list of senior speakers taking plenary sessions:
- John Hutton MP, Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
- Bob Neill MP, shadow local government minister
- Lord Heseltine
- David Freud, chief executive, The Portland Trust
- Prof Michael Parkinson, director, European Institute for Urban Affairs, Liverpool John Moores University
- Julia Unwin, chief executive, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
- Tom Bloxham, chairman, Urban Splash
- Cllr Warren Bradley, leader, Liverpool City Council
- Sir Richard Leese, leader, Manchester City Council
- Cllr Andrew Carter, deputy leader and executive member for development, Leeds City Council
- Andrew Lewis, chief executive, The Northern Way.
For a copy of the summit brochure please email emma.dockerill@haymarket.com . Or visit the event website by clicking here.