HCA funds new houses in Kirkby
Knowsley Housing Trust, part of the First Ark Group, has started work on its first scheme using funds from the Homes & Communities Agency's National Affordable Housing Programme.
The £737,000 project at Bracknell Avenue in Kirkby will provide six new homes for affordable rent. The houses are being built by Knowsley-based Fairtree Homes.
KHT was awarded £5m from the HCA in the NAHP bidding programme last year. The funds will pay for 229 homes across Knowsley from now until 2015.
Why is the only thing that ever changes in these designs the car model in the drive? Truely uninspiring, awful proposals.
By the whalley ranger
Homes for affordable rent with what looks like an Audi Q7 parked in the drive. Looks about right to me.
By Jimmy Car
With a build cost of £123k each they must be throwing in a free 4×4 for each household…..
By UnaPlanner