Galliford Try wins sea defence work
Denbighshire County Council has appointed Galliford Try to an £8m contract to strengthen West Rhyl's coastal defences.
The scheme will use 70,000 tonnes of rock and is required to address problems of potential flooding caused by breach of existing defences and to take account of sea level rise associated with climate change.
There are an estimated 2,100 residential and 500 commercial premises at risk of flooding in West Rhyl.
The scheme is split into three elements:
- Refurbishment of the existing 800m River Clwyd training wall and encasing with rock armour
- Stabilisation and refurbishment of the existing harbour wall
- Stepped barricade creating a promenade facility which promotes tourism as well as providing protection from breach and overtopping.
The council said the lowest price received for the work was £7.7m and the highest offer £10.2m. Funding has been provided by the European Union's Convergence Fund, Welsh Assembly Government and Denbighsbire County Council.
Galliford Try is expected to begin work shortly and complete the project in summer 2013.
Martin Wright Associates of Chester advises Denbighshire County Council.