RTPI Public Inquiries
How to prepare for and manage public inquiries
The event will consider Inquiry procedures with specific emphasis on the role and approach to giving witness evidence. The event aims to help those preparing for giving evidence at an Inquiry as well as those involved in the management of the Inquiry. The event will feature a Mock Inquiry in order to demonstrate the good and bad of giving evidence as well as some of the “tricks of the trade” employed by barristers in examining witnesses.
Speakers to be confirmed.
Reading Material
COVID19 and H&S
The health and safety of RTPI members, staff and all participants is very important. This event organised by RTPI North East will therefore only take place if local government advice in relation to the pandemic allows for group gatherings at the time of the event.
If the event does go ahead, then to ensure that everyone can enjoy the event safely, we will be asking that all participants follow any new guidelines issued by government which may include the wearing of a mask and maintaining social distancing.
If we have to cancel or reschedule the event, a refund or credit will be offered.
Prior to attending this event, all attendees will be strongly encouraged to:
- Take an NHS-approved lateral flow test and get in touch with the event organiser should a positive test be returned. NHS-approved Lateral Flow tests are free with more details on where to order available here.
- Take up the Government’s advice to be vaccinated to protect you and those around you.
As part of the registration process, registrants must agree to our terms and conditions, which include adhering to our outlined Covid-19 safety protocols in place at the time and following any guidance requested by the venue.