Date: 28 April 2016 - 28 April 2016, 9:30 - 4:30
Location: Great John Street Hotel, Manchester M3 4FD
RTPI NW Development Finance & Viability: From Two Perspectives
Date: 28 April 2016 - 28 April 2016, 9:30 - 4:30
Location: Great John Street Hotel, Manchester M3 4FD
The planning system largely depends on private development companies to implement its forward plans, and a better understanding of the process will help planners to negotiate successful outcomes.
This event will provide an overview of development finance, viability and the jargon used. It will include an update on S106 and CIL, explain the importance of viability, consider the developer perspective, looking at the risks they face and the profit they seek. It will also look at the practical application of relevant policy and guidance and provide a review of financial viability appraisal methods.
Click here to book on the RTPI website
Introduction and explaining the Jargon
- What is viability?
- Why is viability important?
- Explaining the Jargon used in Development Finance and Viability
- Review of different appraisal methods
Adam Mirley, Director, Lambert Smith Hampton
Principles of Development Financing
- The principles of a development appraisal
- Sources of finance and their security
- Contingency and profit
Speaker tbc, Turley
CIL, S106 and Delivering Development
- Developer’s development appraisal
- Overage and clawback
Derek Nesbitt, Director, Head of Residential, Cushman & Wakefield
Creating and Implementing CIL
- Brief introduction to the process of creating CIL
- CIL in practice
- Lessons learnt
Helen Hatch, CIL/S106 and Research Officer, West Lancashire Borough Council
The Role of Viability in Plan Making
- Whole Plan Viability
Stephen Miles, Director, UK Development, Cushman & Wakefield
Legal Update re CIL, S106 and Viability
- Legislation update
- Key case precedent
Andrew Piatt, Partner, Gateley Plc
Chairman: Richard Purser, Associate Director, DPP
9.30am Registration & refreshments
10.00am Welcome and Introduction by the Chair Richard Purser, Associate Director DPP
10.10am Introduction and explaining the Jargon Adam Mirley, Director, Lambert Smith Hampton
10.40am Principles of Development Financing Speaker tbc
11.25am Coffee break
11.50am CIL, S106 and Delivering Development Derek Nesbitt, Director, Head of Residential, Cushman & Wakefield
12.35pm Q&A
1.00pm Lunch
1.45pm Crating and Implementing CIL Helen Hatch, CIL/S106 & Research Officer, West Lancs BC
2.15pm The Role of Viability in Plan Making (Whole Plan Viability) Stephen Miles, Director, UK Development, Cushman & Wakefield
2.45pm Tea Break
3.10pm Legal Update re CIl, S106 and Viability Andrew Piatt, Partner, Gateley Plc
3.40pm Q&A
4.00pm Close
Aim: To consider the different perspectives of development finance and viability
By attending this event planners should be able to:
- Achieve a better understanding of the jargon used in development finance and viability
- Appreciate the principles of development financing and viability
- Understand the implications of recent decisions in the courts and changes to legislation
- Consider the different perspectives of delivering development alongside CIL and S106s