This training session has been developed in collaboration with Mindful Employer, experts in providing information, advice and practical support for employers on mental health issues. Designed to raise your understanding about mental ill–health, we will look at some of the myths and preconceptions that exist about mental health, discuss its importance and also the impact that mental health issues can have on your workplace.
During the day you will also learn about some of the common signs and symptoms of the main mental health conditions. Most importantly there will be the opportunity to discuss and explore strategies for early intervention and the support that organisations can put in place for employees experiencing mental ill health in order to help them remain in work and able to carry out an effective role.
Poor mental health in the workplace has real-world business impacts that directly affect productivity, employee attendance and customer service. A recent study has shown that poor mental health costs UK employers £8.4 billion in sickness absence and £15.1 billion in reduced productivity. Whilst many of the reasons behind poor mental health will not be work-related, it’s clear that organisations need to be aware of how to address these issues, support their staff and create a culture which enables staff to remain productive and able to carry out their roles effectively. Employees will all have good days and bad days.
However, one in four of us will at some stage suffer from mental ill-health. Stress, depression and anxiety are estimated to be the cause of more working days lost than any other work-related illness. For this reason it is highly important that Managers and Business owners have an awareness of mental health issues, their implications for staff who may suffer and the confidence to know what approaches to take to support employees to remain productive.
All delegates will receive an electronic certificate of attendance for their participation in the training.